The kiss de Laurent Pernot, 2021
The kiss by Laurent Pernot, 2021
Christian Marclay, Jeanne Susplugas Gilles Barbier,Raymond Hains©AtelierFindArt_ChateauDuRivau_2024_14-web
Christian Marclay, Jeanne Susplugas Gilles Barbier, Raymond Hains © Find Art Chateau Du Rivau 2024 Workshop
Ange Leccia, La déraison du Louvre, 2006 © Courtesy of the artist

Château du Rivau

(since 2019)
The Château du Rivau in Touraine (France) brings together medieval and Renaissance architecture, garden and lanscaping, Contemporary art and art de vivre. Every summer it produces contemporary art exhibitions on different themes.



Art Collection

Contemporary Art

Cultural Heritage



Ecological Transition

l’art en plus advises Château du Rivau since 2019.

Château du Rivau brings together medieval and Renaissance architecture, garden and landscaping, Contemporary art and art de vivre. Located in Touraine, in the town of Lémeré (Indre-et-Loire), it is part of the network of the great heritage sites within the Loire. The estate consists of a magnificent fortress dating back to the 13th century and Renaissance stables classified as Historic Monuments. Entirely refurbished by the owners, the Château du Rivau attracts many visitors to its gardens, which have been awarded the prestigious Jardins remarquables label. The garden provides a backdrop for a park with 20 monumental Contemporary art sculptures, including pieces by Lilian Bourgeat, Jean-Pierre Raynaud, Philippe Ramette, and more. These sculptures echo references from the collection exhibited within the château, which includes pieces by Jan Fabre, Théo Mercier, Julien Salaud, Wim Delvoye, and Pierre Ardouvin, amongst others. The exhibitions have brought together Contemporary artists, whose works resonate with themes such as Hommage à Léonard (2019) and Le goût de l’art (2020).