Pavillon Bourroulec. © Studio Bouroullec Courtesy Emerige
Bourroulec Pavilion. © Studio Bouroullec - Courtesy Emerige


(2013 - 2018)
Emerige is a passionate supporter of contemporary creation and has, year after year, supported events in France and abroad that endeavour to promote the French artistic scene.


Endowment Fund

Corporate Art Collection

Art Award

Contemporary Art


Societal actions

Emerige was founded 30 years ago and has contributed to the building of tomorrow’s Grand Paris by imagining ambitious and durable real estate programmes at the crossroads of function, creation and innovation. The activity of the group also stretches to Madrid and Barcelona. In 2016, Emerige was the laureate of “Réinventer Paris” (Reinventing Paris) thanks to its 11-function programme, “Morland Mixité Capitale”. Then again in 2019, as part of “Réinventer Paris II”, with two innovating projects: Aérog’Art on the Esplanade des Invalides, and the Fabrique des Arts 3.0 on the current site of the Ateliers des Beaux-Arts. By 2023, the Group will also deliver an artistic and cultural hub, a hotel, offices and shop units on the Pointe amont of the île Seguin (near Paris, France).

Emerige is a passionate supporter of contemporary creation and has, year after year, supported events in France and abroad that endeavour to promote the French artistic scene. Convinced that art can change daily life, Emerige encourages the coming together of culture with all kinds of audiences, especially younger people. It supports artistic and cultural education programmes such as “Une journée de vacances à Versailles” (a day off in Versailles), The Paris Autumn Festival,… Each year, 12,000 children enjoy these initiatives.

As the Primary signatory of the “1 immeuble, 1 oeuvre” (1 building, 1 artwork) charter, Emerige also contributes to the development of art in the city by installing an artwork in each block of flats they build or rehabilitates. Since 2016, nearly 60 artworks have been commissioned or bought. Created in 2014 by Laurent Dumas, president of the Emerige Group, the Emerige Revelations Grant is an annual prize aiming to help the young French art scene in association with an internationally renowned gallery.

Beyond the prize awarded to the laureate, each nominated artist will get a presentation of their work in the free exhibition catalogue widely circulated amongst the public, communication with French and international media as well as meetings with art professional.